
Company Logos & Badges

Supplied as a multi sized sheet with sizes 5mm, 10mm, 15mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, 40mm & 50mm in various quantities.


In the images below some are shown in their packs and others just as the individual design however all the flags shown on these two pages are only available as a sheet with multiple sizes as listed above.

These are self-adhesive vinyl decals, for fabric flags click here

FAIREY - Fairey Logo

Company Emblem

RNLI current - RNLI Vinyl Decal

Modern logo from 2004 to today - see notes

RNLI old - RNLI Vinyl Decal

Original Logo with flagpole

RNLI pre 2004 - RNLI Vinyl Decal

Modern Logo to 2004

SMIT - Smit Company

Funnel Logo - old